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Mortiferous Letteria

Monday, 29 April 2019

Mortiferous Arcadia: Chapter 1 - Lay of the land

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean there exists an island. Ruled by a powerful sorcerer who calls himself, Master Voluminous. The island boasts its own race of people, away from the eyes of the rest of the world. Master Voluminous' power here is nearly unlimited and for unknown reasons, he hosts a contest and offers to give the winner their one true desire. In order to win, they must find the key to Voluminous' castle and then they must find the castle, all staying ahead of the competition, the ecosystem and, heaven forbid, the locals. Welcome to a world of beauty and mania. Welcome to MORTIFEROUS ARCADIA!!!

On a strange island located in the very centre of the Pacific, the sounds of the wilderness rage on. The island is beautiful and filled with plant life. Birds chirp, frogs croak, rivers run, canids bark and yip, felines purr, the wind howls and the air is sweet and clean. A land mass apparently untouched by so-called "civilization", but not without its indigenous people.
The Ta'iwao are a warrior race of giants. Heights range from 2.06 m (6ft 9in) to 2.74m (9ft). They have immense physical strength, stamina and durability. They live for battle and the hunt, but they are not simply spear throwing savages. No the elders of the various tribes have some of the greatest minds on earth, they have effective schooling systems and aren't necessarily warmongers, they fight for sport and entertainment. The Ta'iwao live to serve the great and powerful wizard, Master voluminous (that's me) and protect his sacred island, and yes I created the island, its wildlife and the locals too. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am essentially g-...you-know-who, on this island. I sought to test the strength of my world against the creatures of the seven continents and beyond. I travelled the globe to find worthy candidates. There were many, and in biblical fashion, I chose twelve. I began to "advertise" a little contest. The rules were simple, all they had to do was survive my island-really should come up with a name for it-, find my castle and ask me to grant them their one true desire. Although some of them seem to have other plans for me, I have a bit of a...reputation to international lawmakers. I could talk about myself all day, but that's not why you're here. Let's meet the cast...

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