In the middle of the Pacific Ocean there exists an island. Ruled by a powerful sorcerer who calls himself, Master Voluminous. The island boasts its own race of people, away from the eyes of the rest of the world. Master Voluminous' power here is nearly unlimited and for unknown reasons, he hosts a contest and offers to give the winner their one true desire. In order to win, they must find the key to Voluminous' castle and then they must find the castle, all staying ahead of the competition, the ecosystem and, heaven forbid, the locals. Welcome to a world of beauty and mania. Welcome to MORTIFEROUS ARCADIA!!!
"I would prefer we settle our differences without violence. It would be a shame if I were to hurt you..."
Age: 39
Nationality: Australian
Species: Human (formerly)
Crux/Crocodilian-type monster with temporal manipulation powers (currently)
Moorditj. The armoured environmentalist. Fighting against the injustices that the natural world faces. This has put him at odds with big corporations, who seek to expand their business, poachers looking to become filthy rich and politicians attempting hide the aforementioned atrocities. He seeks Master Voluminous' power to erase all the damage done by mankind to Mother Earth, so that we can live in harmony with nature as we were intended to.
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