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What happened? Where am
I? Why does everything hurt so much? It's so cold out here. Agh,
blinding light... the sun? Wait, the sun? I'm outside. How did I get
here? I'm covered in blood and there are squad cars everywhere. The snow
looks like frozen cranberry juice. There are dead cops and... I
remember now. Where's that letter? I dig into my pocket and pull it out.
Figured you'd get out
eventually. I got you something to cover up all those hideous scars. If
you can still grasp the concept decency. Hahaha.
P.s. Adina and I are a couple now. She's great. In more ways than one if you know what I mean.
Simon... you were the
worst of them all and from the looks of things you still are. Which is
why I'm going to come for you last. I can hear more sirens coming and I
don't have much interest in killing any more cops, they'll become to
much of a nuisance. The Asylum is high up on a mountain and other than
the single road that leads here, the only way down is steep, slippery
rocks and while my new body can take a lot of damage, I don't know if I
should risk it. If I run past them, I might scare them enough to let me
pass, but the blood on my body will give it away that I was responsible
for what happened here. Dammit, they're already here. Fine then, I'll
plow through the lot of them. Five squad cars stand between the city I
despise and me. The eight cops get out of their cars, guns ready.
I'd like to say that I
almost feel sorry for them, but I am not a liar. The one in front, a
bald guy with broad shoulders and thick beard, orders me to put my hands
up. It's hard to take him seriously while he's trembling, so I won't.
Instead, I rush forward, limbs leaking blood, the pain making unbelievably fast, I grab him by the throat with one hand, curl the
other into a fist and send it into his gut, puncturing his stomach and
breaking his spine. The glove on my hand is drenched in blood, allowing
me to feel the cool breeze on it. I've just punched right through
another human being. Hopefully, that sends the message.
"Kill that thing now!"
One of them yells. Thing? Forget what I said, they're all going to die!
The pain of the bullets piercing me is like a succession of bee stings, I
charge forward again. I can't even keep up with myself. I grab the
first officer within my reach, by both arms. She struggles and screams,
pleading with her co-workers to save her. I plant my foot on her chest
and rip her arms out of their sockets, sending her flying with my foot
in the process. She smacks into the front of a squad car spine first.
Bleeding to death, while paralyzed from the waist down.
Now it seems like they're starting to get the picture. The remaining six cops hop back in their cars and start driving off. I run and then leap, landing on one with two officers inside. I must be heavier than I thought because I see blood shoot out. I see another within my reach, also with two cops inside. Their engine won't start. I run over and hit the driver side door to make sure it stays shut, run to the other side and do the same thing to trap them both inside. As casually as I would a chair, I lift the car over my head and toss it off the mountain. The terrified screams of the officers inside echo throughout the landscape. I can here the car crashing against the rocks, the screaming eventually stops, then I hear an explosion and see the smoke. The last two squad cars are well on their way, I might be able to catch up to them, I might also be in trouble if they come looking for me with more people and guns. Argh. Forget it, I've got places to be and people to rip in half. At least now I know I can handle the mountain.
Here we are, Kasiri
City. I hate this dump. It's small, it's ridiculously colourful, it's
densely populated and it's loud. Painfully loud. First, I'll take a
visit to my childhood home. I know my parents are still there, too
stubborn to sell, move... or die. My family lives in a large mansion on
the East side. They have this massive property all to themselves, up on a
hill. I spent most of my life in the care of servants and relatives, I
barely saw them.
"Sir, are you alright?" A
woman's voice. A familiar one, even though it sounds older. I turn to
see Adina. She's- no, I can't... I should kill her, rip her pretty head
from her shoulders.
"Addy, where the hell are you?" I recognize that voice too. A Asian looking man my age, with long dark brown hair and green eyes. Simon. I can feel my teeth being pushed further back up into my gums. I feel a deep growl emanating from the back of my throat. She looks up at me in confusion and fear and I... I need to leave, I've got a date with my parents. Twenty years in the making. Simon walks over, wearing so much black you'd think he was off to a funeral.
"This man is badly hurt, Simon," Adina says, always so kind until a certain point.
"So what?" He looks up at me and his face turns pale. He gave me these cloths, so it's not surprising that he recognizes me, even though I'm at least two feet taller.
"Later," Is all I can think of right now. Time to leave.
"Wait!" Adina calls
after me, "You need to go to a hospital," I've seen enough doctors for
one lifetime. I wouldn't call myself perfectly healthy, but I am capable
of running fast enough to be long gone before any ambulance can show
up. Every movement hurts, I can feel my clothes sticking to my body as I
continue to bleed, but I don't stop. I knock passersby aside like
bowling pins. At one point, I step on a small dog, crushing it like I
would an insect. The dog's owner, an old lady, screams in horror. Now
you would think that I would try to avoid being seen and that was the
plan, but... I just don't care anymore! I have become a one man
stampede, knocking aside or trampling anything in my way. The rush of
pain and power is addictive, it compels me forward to my destination.
Just like at the Asylum, I feel another flood of emotion building up
inside me and I let it all out with an animalistic roar than gets the
people around me running like the frightened sheep they are.
For the first time in my life, I'm the one everyone fears. The one everyone will make way for. The one who makes everyone around me feel small and crushes them to emphasize that point. Wait wait wait. I'm getting off track. I can continue this rampage later.
I'm standing outside the
gate. The driveway leads to a gothic mansion on top of a hill. It looks
exactly as it did all those years ago. It.... brings a tear.... It
brings... a stream of tears to my eyes. I have all kinds of feelings
about this place, but it was definitely better than padded walls and
steel doors. I kick the gate in and immediately trigger an alarm.
Several armed guards and vicious Doberman pinschers surround me. They
were dead the moment they took this job. I lunged forward and uppercut
the one guard in front of me, decapitating him in the process. The other
guards let the dogs of their leeshes. I remember being terrified of
dogs as a kid, not anymore. They jump on me and bite me with their
pointy teeth. I grab one and break its back over my knee. It lets out a
pathetic high-pitched whine before going limp. I grab another by its
legs and smack its body against the ground until it stops moving then I
use it to beat the others to pulp.
The guards start shooting and I kick one like a soccer ball. That's when they decide to run, I'll kill one more and then I'll go inside. I grab a burly looking guy by the head, he ties to fight, so I break both his arms. I lift him up and slam his face into the ground, breaking his head open like a raw egg. I dash up the driveway to the front doors of the house. These solid slabs of oak splinter when I come crashing threw them.
"Who are you?" The butler, Hans asks. I lower my scarf and drop the hood of my jacket.
"Bruce?" He recognizes me. This man took care of me more than my own father did, I talked to him about everything. I trusted him more than anyone else in this house. When they took me away, he protested and even visited me on several occasions, until my parents put a stop to that.
"My God, what have they done to you?" Nothing. That's what they would tell you at least.
"Hans, leave now." He looks at the blood and bullet holes all over me,
"Bruce, don't-" I grab him by the throat and bring him close.
"LEAVE, NOW!" I toss him lightly aside. Hans is special to me and he'll never forgive me for this, but I'm beyond regret at this point. The rest of them can go to hell!
I've been through every
room in this house, leaving a trail of guts and blood wherever I go,
staining the white marble walls. Where are they? I'm in the master
bedroom now, a king-sized bed sits at the far end of the room, opposite
the door. I can hear something under it so I approach. I know it's not
my parents. Most likely a servant. In the corner of my eye, I spot my
reflection in a mirror. My skin is pale, my clothes are bloodied and
torn, my face is scarred and stitched up. My eyes are bloodshot. My
mother's Vietnamese born so my brother and I inherited her Asiatic
features, though with how badly messed up my face is you probably
couldn't tell. My head was shaved clean at the asylum because I kept
ripping my hair out, violently. I toss the bed aside to find a pale,
slender woman with long black hair and golden-brown eyes. Valerie,
second cousin on my father's side. She was never as bad as Simon, but
she was a vindictive liar that always talked down to me.
"Br-Bruce..." There it is, that posh accent that bugs me so much. As I am now, I could snap her scrawny body like a twig,
"Mom and dad, where are they?" She's going to lie.
"They're dead, Bruce,"
Told you. I grab her by the head and lift her off the ground, "I'm
telling the truth I swear! I'll even show you the graves,"
This should be
interesting. I let her go and she walks. She stops herself from vomiting
at the site of the massacre. She looks up at me fearfully. I didn't
think I had any restraint left, but I manage to find some and kick her
lightly forward.
"It was... twenty years
ago," She says, as if that means something. What, was I supposed to just
forget that they all drove me to attempted suicide? "You were sent
there to get help. What happened?"
"Got worse," Finding
those graves doesn't require her to be able to speak, just walk, see and
point, but I'll let it slide for now.
"I can see that. But this-"
"SHUT UP!" One more word
from her and I'll rip her jaw off. We make it to the back garden where
those guards from before are waiting for us. I slaughter them all. The
garden is flooded with blood. Valerie stands back in petrified by what
she sees. I beckon her over,
"A..aren't y-you g-going
t-to drop th-tha-that?" She points at the small intestine in my hand. I
give her a slow headshake. I'll use this to strangle her when she's
proven to be a liar. She walks past me on shaky legs, constantly looking
over her shoulder at me. One way or another she's dead, the amount of
pain she endures before that happens depends on how I'm feeling once
this is done. She brings me to the family cemetery.
"There," She points at
two massive tombstones. The one on the left reads: BAO THOMPSON. My
mother. The one on the right reads: AEDH THOMPSON. My Father. I don't
believe it, it has to be some kind of sick practical joke. It fits this
family's modus operandi
"It was a car accident," She says, "Nine months ago..... They were coming to visit you,"
"It was a car accident," She says, "Nine months ago..... They were coming to visit you,"
"LIES!" I would have
been told that they were coming. They'd have to have scheduled an appointment, the doctors would have had to tell me to see my reaction,
before letting anyone see me. "YOU ALWAYS LIE!"
"Please, Bruce," She backs away in fear, "I'm so-" No you don't. It is way too late for that.
With one hand covering her face, I use the thumb of the other hand to
crush her larynx. I am tired of hearing her voice, it gives me
headaches. Excrutiatingly painful headaches. Her screams of agony are
more like choked whispers as I rip her limbs off. I used to call her a
lying snake, now she matches one. He kick over my mother's tombstone and
lay Valerie down on it. I drag my fathers out of the ground and
sandwich her between them. With a leap, I come down on Daddy's headstone
and crush her into paste. Blood shoots out of either side and even end
up breaking it. I take a moment to look over what I've just done... even
now, they still weren't there for me. Time to leave, there's nothing
left here for me.
I can hear sirens again
and a helicopter overhead. I feel something pierce the back of my skull
and come out the other siiiiiii................ bullet............
dead.......... I... can't.......pain....Pain...........PAAAAIIIIIINN!!!
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