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Mortiferous Letteria

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Mortiferous Encounters: Jaya Choppra in BLOODY NIGHT STROLL

Location: Horilka, Morcadian Islands, Pacific Ocean, Planet Earth

It is late at night. Jaya walks out of a liquor store, holding a bottle in a paper bag in her brown, metallic right hand. She wears a grey trenchcoat over a blue shirt, grey pants and black boots. The excruciating pain in her left eye region prompts her open the bottle and down the whole thing.

She tosses it into the nearest trashcan and continues walking,

"That didn't work," She grumbles, placing a hand over the stitched eyelids, as she walks, "I should've stayed at Kobi's. He'd have mixed something up perfectly. Sure, I'd pass out, but the pain would be gone,"

She continues her rant, "Damn that cloaked bastard. I swear, one of these days I'm going to-"

She catches the wrist of a knife-weilding attacker, the blade comes within inches of her face, which she has to turn to see her attacker. The would-be assailant is a fit woman with short black hair and a scarred face. She wears all black. Jaya immediately sends the woman flying with a Judo throw, but she lands on her feet,

"So, it's true what they say," The woman says, standing up straight, as Jaya pulls out her pistol, "All of it. You're not just half-blind, you've gotten sloppy. Three months ago I could never get that close, not to mention your reflexes are slower,"

"If you used a gun you wouldn't need to, Masego," Jaya says,

"Bah. A coward's weapon," Masego says, dismissively,

"So I've been told. I'm still alive though," Jaya tilts her head, narrowing her eye, "Which I assume you intend to change?"

Masego claps, "I might have gotten closer than ever before, but nothing gets past you," She pulls out another knife and moves into a fighting stance, "The price on your head gone up after that stunt you pulled in Scotch,"

Jaya laughs, "Well, if this is the best you can do, then you'll be leaving penniless," She frowns, "Or not all. I personally don't care which,"

"Of course," Masego says, as another assassin, big man with spiked gauntlets comes out of an alleyway. Another woman with a sword jumps from a rooftop, a sight that is extremely triggering to Jaya. The trio surrounds Jaya, as Masego continues, "A wild dog would never challenge a lioness without a pa-"

She is cut off by a bullet slicing her cheek. The big man attempts to land a pinch, but Jaya gets out of his way. The swordswoman thrusts her blade forward, but Jaya sidesteps, grabs her with her metallic hand and shoots with her in the head with her left.

That felt good, she thinks, If only I could do it again.

Her reverie is cut short by the man's fist nearly caving in her skull. She ducks under the giant's fist, only to be stabbed in the lower back by Masego.

"Gah!" She grunts before being kicked in the ribs. This sends her flying nearly metre away, "Fuck,"

Masego kicks the gun away, then kicks Jaya in the face. The big man uses his knee to pin her down, then pulls her head bact, while Masego prepares to slit her throat. Jaya's eye becomes bloodshot red, her pupil shrinks and becomes white, blood vessels bulge all over her face and body she pushes the man off of her. Masego immediately gets away.

She turns and jumps on him, sinking her teeth into his thick neck and ripping out several chunks of it, while he tries his best to pull her off of him. Masego tries to stab her again, but Jaya turns and lunges at her like a wild beast. Masego just barely manages to get out of the way backing up as Jaya growls at her with a drop of blood dripping from the stiched eyelids of what was once her left eye. She can not see Masego, but she can hear her heartbeat and her footsteps moving away,

"YOUR PACK IS WEAK!!!" She yells, ripping off her jacket and giving chase. She closes the distance between them in minutes and tackle her to the ground.

"Wait, pl-" Masego's head is pinned to the ground, as Jaya's metallic hand rips off her clothes, then forces it's fingers through the flesh of her back in order to grab hold of her spine. Masego's feeble struggles are cut short by her back being broken. A piece of hy spine is ripped out and rammed through the back of her skull.

Jaya takes several deep breaths until her body and mind return to normal. She falls backwards, groaning in pain. She places a hand over her bleeding eye and forces herself to stand. She dizzily walks back to where her jacket and gun are, picking the up.  She walks past the still dying juggernaut and picks up the sword. She stabs him through the head with it to kill him faster.

She cleans and sheathes it, then hides it and her gun in her coat. She also wipes the blood from her face with a handkerchief, before leaving the scene.  The town is a dump and the cops will recognise these three as assassins. There won't be any kind of investigation. It helps that this was also an area without any street cameras.

"Note to self," She says, hand still over her, "Late night drinking is safer indoors,"

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