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Mortiferous Letteria

Monday, 1 November 2021

Journey Into Kurisstac | Kurisstac Chronicles


Journey Into Kurisstac | Kurisstac Chronicles

On All Hallow's Eve we Journey Into Kurristac. A dark pit at the edge of the universe where the most irredeemable amongst the immortal beings of the cosmos are thrown into. 

We will discuss 4 of its inhabitants:
Diohlatas, the fallen angel, Grubass the slapstick spirit, Combarametu the dream demon and Okuphinki the "protector" of women.

We discuss their origins and the reasons for their incarceration.

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Episode Link: https://anchor.fm/mortiferousarcadia/episodes/Journey-Into-Kurisstac--Kurisstac-Chronicles-e19fumf/a-a6gn518

Episode Transcript

Happy Halloween listeners. I am the mighty Master Voluminous. Teacher, commentator and storyteller. Today we discuss the Universe. Well no, we’re going to discuss a particular section of the Universe. Those of us in magic circles call it Kurisstac (The Abyss).

Kurisstac is a prison for powerful immortal entities. These beings include angels, demons, spirits, titans and living celestial bodies. It was created by Da Vaada (The Father), because of the rise in these entities causing trouble all over the place. Being sent here is their eternal penalty.

You see unrepentant mortal souls are cast into Pla’daali (Hell), but these beings cannot die, as they do not live in the way you and I do. Another reason these beings couldn’t just be sent to Pla’daali is that while they are forever locked out of Udamu (Heaven) they could come and go as they please in any part of the universe. 
Da Vaada crafted a space from which they could never escape, not because its defences were impenetrable, we’ll talk about that later. No, the best way to describe it, is to think of it in human terms. Imagine you’ve been thrown in jail and you’ve been planning you’re escape. You dig your way out, or you drink something to make yourself so sick that you have to be taken to a hospital, or you bribe the prison staff to hide you in a laundry basket and sneak you out. 

You’ve made it out and now, depending on your sentence and the crime you committed, you have a specific amount of time before you burst into flames and cease to exist. The only thing that can save you from such a fate is to go right back to your prison cell and stay there until the end of your sentence. With each escape attempt, the amount of time you have until your cessation decreases until merely sticking your hand out of a window means instant death. Of course, if you were considered dangerous enough, to begin with that will happen anyway.
Kurisstac was once the perfect prison, but like me, many of its inhabitants had access to devoted acolytes, who found and crafted tools to allow their masters to send out their influence and still cause chaos, all while being locked away in a dark pit at the edge of the universe. 

Now would you like to know what resides in this wicked place? I’m sure you would, so I’ll discuss four, one of whom you should recognise if you’ve been with us long enough.  

Diohlatas (The Avenger). A being of many massive silver wings, blades and eyes, though to mortals he would appear as a bird. Once a wise, just and balanced judge who offered counsel to all who approached. He was also the guardian, mentor and friend to Farihasira (White Fury), the udamuan Titaness who created my homeworld of Morcadia, we’ll discuss her in more detail another time, but for now, you should know that they were inseparable. Battling side by side in the war between Udamu and Pla’daali.

Diohlatas could give great power to those he deemed worthy and just, amplifying their abilities beyond comprehension often at the cost of their lives and his own wings, which were many, as were his eyes. Some that could see great distances, some that could see into the hearts and minds of those he judged, and some that could see snippets of the future and what he saw began to break him. He saw his comrades falling to darkness, he saw the birth of Yenati (nemesis), a hideous amalgamation of parts from titans and angels, twisted and tortured to become the first and only pla’daalian titan and existing only to destroy Farihasira and himself. 
He grew frustrated with the evils of the mortal races. Humans disgusted him more than all others, for in the application of evil, many of them had the greatest capacity for… creativity. Atrocity after atrocity, loss after loss until he thought to take matters into his own hands and do what he was never permitted to do, punish those deemed wicked. 

He sought to wipe out entire civilizations and used his ward and friend, the Titaness Farihasira in his crusade. Manipulating her rage, filling her mind with visions and pointing at her various worlds like an attack dog.
She broke free of his control, but not before her hands were stained with blood. She confronted him and their battle was titanic and costly to both, but in the end, the Titaness’s righteous fury and Da Vaada’s judgement allowed her to rip every one of Diohlatas’ now blackened wings from his body and throw him into Kurisstac, where he now sits in bitter contemplation.

Grubass (Slapstick). A being of blue and orange morality, born from The One Before, which is the nothingness that predates all creation, where Da Vaada was also born. He is perceived by all but Da Vaada to be two multi-coloured eyes, one larger than the other and a massive, toothy smile. When life was created, Grubass found its way into our universe simply to observe the progression of life, then he got bored and began to live up to his name. He had the power to shape and warp his immediate surroundings with his unseen hands, like turning planets into cubes and throwing galaxies like frisbees. No harm came to the mortals, but Da Vaada threw his brother into Kurisstac due to his disruptive nature and disregard for the rules of the reality that had been so carefully crafted. However, Grubass’ influence is what allowed for the creation of wacky, unexplainable dreams and eventually the cartoons you may grown up with.

On the topic of dreams, we move to a being born from the minds of men. Combarametu (Fuel to fear), a being spawned from the darkest parts of the collective human psyche. Often perceived as a giant, segmented serpent-like dragon with grey skin and long white hair, a mouth that opens to reveal The One Before, teeth that burn and suffocating saliva, crooked eyes that are peach in colour. Sightings of this creature go back to when the human world had to truly embraced madness. When was that? It’s entirely up to you, but know that whatever date you pick, Combarametu was there. 

It is of your nightmares, it feeds on your nightmares and fuels your nightmares. But of the inhabitants Kurisstac, it is one of the weakest. For it can be subjugated, it too can be frightened, but not without cost. Believe me, I know. For it was I who cast it into the Abyss, with all of my faith, all of my power, all of the will. To prepare myself for the confrontation, Da Vaada came to me in vision and took from the universe. The One Before, which predates all of creation, all of existence, all forms of reality. It is not a place, there is no time, it is not an experience. There is no light, there is no darkness, there no sound, no smell, no sight, no touch or taste. There is no matter or energy of any kind. I was never the same, but when I fought the beast, it had no power over me. I trapped in my mind, crushed it swiftly and tossed its wretched remains into depths of Kurisstac where it now cowers at the mere mention of my name.

Okuphinki (Pink). This phrase may be familiar, “A woman who carries the Iso Elibomvu (Pink Eye) in the presence of abuse or danger shall summon Okuphinki. Be warned, this creature seeks only to cause pain and suffering. It is a friend to no one.”
Those of you who have followed the podcast from the beginning or read the Horror Novella, Phinki by Gift C Enyadike Jr will be familiar with this entity, for those of you who are neophytes, here is what you need to know. Okuphinki is a malevolent, opportunistic predator that seeks out vulnerable women and girls, exploits their pain, turns them into monsters and then leaves them to suffer the consequences of its interference. Its most common method of contact is a pink jewel that resembles an eye, often attached to a golden medallion that both the victim wears, sometimes it can force its influence into the world, though only when the victim is at their most vulnerable.

Okuphinki’s form is as follows. It has a massive, round head with huge eyes that often glow bright pink, a massive mouth that covers nearly the entire width of its face with big white teeth. A slender, androgynous body that wears a dark pink jacket over a black sleeveless shirt, blue jeans and red sneakers. Its fingers long with bright pink claws that also glow. It often wears the medallion, which glows as well.
Now, listeners. I must apologise because I have not been entirely truthful to you. You see, I told you that Grubass did not hurt anyone when I actually meant that he did not directly kill anyone. You see, oh, Father, why?

Grubass had visited the earth on one occasion and spent time in the nation of South Africa, at which point he came to know of the urban legend of Pinky Pinky, a monster that preyed on little girls. Perhaps, inspired to do some good, he decided to create an entity that would combat this monster. I believe his intentions may have been sincere, but I cannot to begin to even comprehend what his reasoning was. Grubass, sought out the Combarametu in the world of dreams and then he proc- proceeded to mate with the creature and within that dream, there was a human witness. This witness… this witness, they saw everything from the beginning. If were to describe it, I fear what it could do to your mind. 

Whoever this poor soul used to be, they seemed to find the entire event amusing and so they laughed and continued to do so, until the dream ended and when they awoke. Okuphinki was born and went out to offer its “protection” to all the women of the world. 

A clan of 20 Zulu witches, came together in service of this creature only to trick it and with their combined power, they were able to send it to Kurisstac. However, the creature had crafted several Iso Elibmovu medallions, so that it always have a window into our world. 

Now I believe, I’ve traumatised you enough for one evening. Listeners if you want to hear more from the Kurisstac profiles, subscribe and rate on the platforms that allow you to do so. You can contact me via 
I hope you have a wonderful Halloween night. Don’t stay out too long… you don’t know what’s lurking out there.

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